Downloads Movie Jackass: The Movie Watch Online

Jackass: The Movie Movie Poster

Year: 2002
Director: Jeff Tremaine

Jackass: The Movie Download


Johnny Knoxville (Himself), Bam Margera (Himself), Steve-O (Himself), Chris Pontius (Himself), Ryan Dunn (Himself), Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña (Himself), Preston Lacy (Himself), Dave England (Himself), Ehren McGhehey (Himself), Brandon Dicamillo (Himself), April Margera (Herself), Phil Margera (Himself), Jess Margera (Himself), Chris Raab (Himself), Rakeyohn (Himself (as Rake Yohn)), Loomis Fall (Himself), Rick Kosick (Himself), Manny Puig (Himself), Stephanie Hodge (Herself), Jason 'J2' Rasmus (Himself)


Johnny Knoxville and his crazy friends appear on the big screen for the very first time in Jackass: The Movie. They wander around Japan in panda outfits, wreak havoc on a once civilized golf court, they even do stunts involving LIVE alligators, and so on. While Johnny Knoxvile and his pals put their life at risk, they are entertaining people at the same time. Get ready for Jackass: The Movie!! Written by Uber Minion

