Downloads Movie Bumfights: Cause for Concern Watch Online

Bumfights: Cause for Concern Movie Poster

Year: 2002
Director: Ryen McPherson

Bumfights: Cause for Concern Download


Donald Brennan (Himself), Donny (Himself), Rufus Hannah (Himself), Peter LaForte (Himself), Todd Richard Lewis (The Bumhunter), Ryen McPherson ()


Bumfights is a film series created by Indecline Films. The videos feature homeless men in the San Diego and Las Vegas metropolitan areas fighting and attempting amateur stunts in exchange for money, alcohol, and other incentives. The first video, Bumfights: A Cause for Concern, was produced by Ryen McPherson, with friends Zachary Bubeck, Daniel J. Tanner, and Michael Slyman, as Indecline Films. Shortly after sales began to escalate, Indecline Films sold the rights to two investors, who went on to produce three sequels. The videos immediately gained criticism from mainstream organizations. The US-based National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) has stated that the Bumfights videos disseminate hate against the homeless and dehumanize them In April 2006, the four original filmmakers agreed not to produce any more "Bumfights" videos or distribute videos already made, and to pay three homeless men depicted in the videos, under a settlement announced as a lawsuit was to go to trial.



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